Risultati di ricerca

La ricerca di CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ha restituito i seguenti risultati:

 Standard SPIRIT AI extension TRIALs STUDIES s41591 0201037 7.pdf

Delphi survey to vote upon the candidate items and suggest additional items. Experts were identified and contacted via the Steering Group and were allowed one round of ‘snowball’ recruitment in which contacted experts could suggest additional experts. In addition, individuals who made contact fol ...

 Standard SPIRIT TRIALs STUDIES 2013 guidance for protocols of rct

, the principal inv estigator can be considered to be a “sponsor-inves- tigator” who assumes both sponsor and investigator roles. 51  53 Identi& cation of the trial sponsor provides transpar- ency and accountability. The protocol should identify the name, contact information, and if ...

 Piano Pandemico Covid 19 ASUGI (202-2021)

......................................................................................................................... 15 Intervista al caso indice ...................................................................................................... 16 Tracciamento dei contatti ( Contact tracing) ......................................................................... 16 Disposizione di ...

 Abstract degli interventi presentati

  the  context  of  eight  different  public mental  health departments (MHD) and will need  to explore:  �  the  various  definitions  and  conceptions  of  crisis  and  crisis  management  for  patients on first  contact,  �  the state of the art of each MHD with respect  to crisis interventions,  �  the ...


fled to the north of Europe) More than half have relatives in Germany, Norway, Holland, etc. The lack of affective support is a determinant of poor outcome. So in PTSD, for those who have seen members of their tortured family and murdered, contact with surviving relatives and in stable conditions ...

 SC Riabilitazione - I deficit cognitivi nell'ictus - Inglese

Department, the occupational therapist makes contact with the person affected by a stroke in order to stimulate and help them carry out simple activities such as nutrition or personal hygiene and encourages to carry them out safely. These moments also become an opportunity to evaluate and better ...

 Abstract interventi presentati

terms of reference: -assist WHO in guiding countries in deinstitutionalization and the development of integrated and comprehensive Community Mental Health services; -contribute to WHO work on person-centred care through Whole Systems & Recovery approaches: innovative practices in community Mental ...

 Sport, Social Inclusion

Sport, Social Inclusion & Organizational Empowerment Triest, 12 December 2014 – Federico Scarpa Soncini’s pitch for social use Contact: fede.shoe@live.it We need user empowerment, but also citizen empowerment 06_scarpa who-cc PDFCreator Version 0.9.7 GPL Ghostscript 8.63 ...


ritenuto di attivare in urgenza un servizio di call/ contact center per la gestione dell’emergenza COVID-19; ritenuto pertanto di procedere, in ragione della situazione di emergenza, ad un affidamento diretto ai sensi dell’art. 1 della Legge 11 settembre 2020, n. 120 di conversione del D.L. 16 luglio ...


casi - Isolamento - Intervista al caso indice - Tracciamento dei contatti ( contact tracing) - Disposizione di quarantena - Sorveglianza sanitaria - Esecuzione di test diagnostici - Attività relative alle residenze per anziani e disabili - Attività di screening in comunità - Gestione ...