Tools for New Prospectives and Tallored Anaesthesia

Corso ECM

dal 23 novembre 2024 

In recent years, the field of anesthesiology has made significant strides toward a more personalized and patient-centered approach. Tailored anesthesia, or telo-anesthesia, represents one of the most innovative frontiers in this context. This approach is based on adapting anesthetic techniques to the specific physiological and pathological needs of each patient, ensuring greater safety and faster recovery.

Telo-anesthesia is founded on the principle that each patient is unique and therefore requires a customized anesthetic protocol. This includes the choice of drugs, dosages, administration techniques, and intraoperative monitoring. Personalization is achieved through a detailed preoperative assessment that considers factors such as age, weight, preexisting medical conditions, and the nature of the surgical procedure.


Hotel Là di Moret
Via Tricesimo 276
33100 Udine

Segreteria organizzativa, Provider ECM

Meeting srl - Provider ECM n. 7194
Via Villalta 32 - 33100 Udine
tel. 0432-1790500


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L’evento è stato accreditato per n. 100 partecipanti presso il Ministero della Salute come da programma Ministeriale di Educazione Continua in Medicina per le seguenti
Professione: Medico Chirurgo; Infermiere
Disciplina: Anestesia e Rianimazione
Riferimento ECM: 7194-432636 Crediti 6

  • Programma  [pdf - 898,51 KB] (il link apre una nuova finestra)