Risultati di ricerca

La ricerca di CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ha restituito i seguenti risultati:

Prenehanje dejavnosti Dr. Marie Cristine Carloni

varstvo je to podjetje, da bi zagotovilo kontinuiteto iste pomoči, aktiviralo naslednje eksperimentalne ambulante za primarno zdravstveno varstvo (ASAP), na katere se lahko uporabniki obrnejo, če ni bilo mogoče pridobiti - prek portala SESAMO ali v referenčnem zdravstvenem okrožju - vpisa na sezname ...

Atti adottati nel 2021

- CIG 9026080CD6 Decreto a contrarre e contestuale affidamento diretto, ai sensi dell’art. 1, comma 2 lett. a) della L. 120/2020, del ¿servizio di contact tracing a supporto del Dipartimento di Prevenzione¿ alla società Televita S.p.a., a decorrere indicativamente dal 20/12/2021, per un ammontare ...

Slovesnost ob odprtju novih prostorov na urgentnem oddelku bolnišnice Cattinara, namenjenih kratkotrajnemu intenzivnemu opazovanju (OBI)

, barvanje z barvami na vodni osnovi, ki dihajo, in vodnimi sintetičnimi emajli, namestitev odbojnih trakov, vogalnih zaščit itd. Vgrajena so bila tudi notranja vrata in okna iz laminata in aluminija, vgrajena pa so bila tudi protipožarna vrata R.E.I., kjer so to zahtevali požarni predpisi. Zgrajene so bile ...

 Mind the step

downscaling care  Homevisit/ face to face contact  Telephone contact on prescription  Skype contact on prescription  Day treatment on prescription  Treatment groups / peergroups  Supervised medication use  Depot clinic Data outpatient-care FCU  422 patients received care in ...


downscaling care  Homevisit/ face to face contact  Telephone contact on prescription  Skype contact on prescription  Day treatment on prescription  Treatment groups / peergroups  Supervised medication use  Depot clinic Data outpatient-care FCU  422 patients received care in ...

 Info riabilitazione intervento al seno Inglese

returning to everyday life. You will find illustrated in these pages the precautions, special care and attentions that we recommend you to respect. If you should have further doubts, do not hesitate to contact qualified professionals whose contact details you will find in the last pages of this booklet ...

 SC Malattie Infettive - La scabbia: buone norme per una corretta prevenzione

disappear spontaneously, but often a single application of the prescribed treatment is sufficient to resolve the infection. If I come in contact with a person who has scabies, should I treat myself? No, you shouldn’t without contacting a doctor first. The doctor will evaluate different aspects ...

 Nota informativa EN

 è stata somministrata la prima dose. / It is very important that the  second dose  is  inoculated  in order  to achieve an optimal  immune  response.  If you  forget  to  return  to  the  appointment for the second dose, please  contact your doctor or the vaccination centre where the first dose  was ...

 EN nota informativa vaccino Pfizer - 22/11/2021

 è stata somministrata la prima dose. / It is very important that the  second dose  is  inoculated  in order  to achieve an optimal  immune  response.  If you  forget  to  return  to  the  appointment for the second dose, please  contact your doctor or the vaccination centre where the first dose  was ...


Improving Mental Health by Sharing Knowledge Freedom First in the Netherlands Trieste 17 december Sonja van Rooijen & Christien Muusse • Starting point: aim to reduce beds • What we did: project Freedom First • Lessons learned • What to do with the lessons learned? 2 overview ...