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La ricerca di CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ha restituito i seguenti risultati:

 Impianto pacemaker ENG

swelling or redness in the pocket, it is necessary to promptly contact the Pacemaker Clinic; in the event of repeated and/or frequent shocks or syncope, it is essential to immediately contact the nearest Emergency Room. After CRT-D implantation, exposure to strong magnetic fields, especially ...

 Revisione sostituzione impianto pacemaker ENG

carried out in our or another electrostimulation center authorized for PM control. In the event of a single discharge from the ICD felt by the patient, the appearance of pain with swelling or redness in the pocket, it is necessary to promptly contact the Pacemaker Clinic; in the event of ...

 SC Arta Monfalcone informativa anestesia Inglese

or natural products at least 2 weeks before surgery to prevent unwanted effects. Tell your anaesthetist that you are taking any herbal products, dietary supplements, minerals and infusions. • Remove lipstick and nail polish: deliver dental prosthesis, contact lenses, bracelets, rings and other ...

 EN_Nota_informativa_Spikevax_ex _Moderna_vers_11_07_2022

  response.  If  you  forget  to  return  to  the  appointment  for  the  second  dose,  please  contact  your  doctor  or  the  vaccination  centre  where the first dose was given.    Nelle persone  in condizioni di  immunosoppressione clinicamente rilevante, al fine di assicurare una buona  risposta ...

 TRIESTE - MONFALCONE - Cartubi - 26-27/11/2019

CARTUBI.�The registration point is at the first floor: they will be received by their contact in CARTUBI that will help them fill in the visitor log.�Inside the main office and in the car park is not mandatory the use of PPE. �If you will have to visit the operational sites, the following actions are ...

 Psychoncology Inglese

service operates from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 13.00. In case of specific needs, it is possible to book an appointment at different times. For appointments and/or information, please contact:  CLINIC OF PSYCHOLOGY / PSYCHONCOLOGY: 040 - 399 2561/2259  Secretariat: 040 - 399 2375  Or in ...


does Ebola hide? • 2002- Fruit Bats • Antibodies against Ebola • Ebola Gene sequences in liver and spleen • Fruit bats do not show any symptoms • Best candidate to be the reservoir • More research needs to be done Transmission • contracted through contact of any infected individual’s ...

 17/10/2016 - Martinez Jambrina Juan Jose (Spain)

, created in  1971, could be considered the equivalent  to  the “Democractic Psychiatry” group in Italy. 23/11/2016 3 Psychiatric Reform in Asturias  Probably the very first  contact was made in April 1973, in a  meeting held in Venice. The Spanish delegation was made up  of Ramón García, from Barcelona ...

 Guida TAO ENG

pregnant while taking this therapy; if they have doubts about a possible pregnancy, they should immediately take a test to ascertain it and contact the doctor, so that oral anticoagulants can be discontinued within the 6th week of pregnancy. If a pregnancy is desired, the anticoagulant medicines must ...

 EN nota informativa vaccino Jannsen - 22/11/2021

1 Revision 06. of 22 November 2021 ATTACHMENT TO THE ANTI-COVID-19 VACCINATION CONSENT FORM INFORMATION NOTICE Janssen COVID-19 vaccine What is Janssen and what is it for? The Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine is a vaccine used for the prevention of COVID-19, a disease caused by the ...